Canine Cough
Understanding and Navigating Common Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention
Canine Cough is a broad term covering any infectious or contagious condition of dogs where coughing is one of the major clinical signs.
What Are the Common Symptoms of Canine Cough:
Runny eyes/nose
How is it Contracted?
Airborne or direct contact (e.g., while sniffing other dogs on walk, or playing with other dogs).
Dogs can contract it at daycare, much like a child getting a cold at their daycare.
Sharing items/surfaces such as water bowls, toys, etc.
Most cases run its course over 1-2 weeks, similar to a human cold/flu.
Some pups may require veterinary treatment such as antibiotics or cough suppressants.
Always contact your vet if you are concerned with how your dog is doing.
Immunity, even if the dog has experienced a natural infection, is neither solid nor long-lasting.
The Bordetella vaccine aids in preventing some strains, but not all.
Keep your pup home if they are displaying symptoms, to limit the spread to other dogs.
Daycare/Boarding facilities have stringent disinfection protocols, but this can still be transmitted by asymptomatic dogs.
When Can My Dog See Other Dogs Again?
In our experience, veterinarians have suggested returning to daycare after being symptom free for 5-7 days.
Stay informed about symptoms, treatments, and prevention methods to ensure your dog's well-being. If you have concerns, consult your vet and follow guidelines for a safe return to social activities for your furry friend.